Imagine that you're working a very intense job where concentration is key; what would you do if your day was being disrupted by constant sexual harassment? You could chose to head to court and to file a claim against the company you worked for. One woman has decided...
Year: 2014
Yahoo executive sued for wrongful termination in Calirfornia
Wrongful termination and sexual harassment claims are at the center of this case against a Yahoo executive in California. A woman who worked under the female executive has reported that her boss had sexually harassed her and accused her boss of wrongful termination....
People with diabetes can face workplace discrimination
Most of us in Los Angeles know someone with diabetes or have it ourselves. The number is growing at an alarming rate. The latest government estimate is that 29 million Americans are living with the disease. We don't think of diabetes as something that would cause...
Federal executive order may protect against discrimination
In California and around the nation, it's important that businesses do not discriminate against employees. Now, the federal government is taking steps to deter discrimination in the workforce. In fact, President Obama is expected to sign an order that bars...
Disney hit with wrongful termination lawsuit in California
It's not often you think of Disney as a business that would discriminate. Your opinion may change, however, after reading about this lawsuit a 26-year-old veteran of the company has now filed. He claims he was replaced with a younger worker due to his age, and now he...
California bill aims to stop sexual harassment at farming jobs
Sexual harassment is a serious crime, and if you've been harassed while doing your job, you should have protection against it. If you find that your employer doesn't stop this harassment, you may be able to seek compensation and justice through other means. This news...
Sexual harassment just the beginning at ABM in California
There are many ways for a person to feel as though sexual harassment has taken place. This story out of California pushes the boundaries of sexual harassment into full on allegations of rape, however. According to the news from May 12, two women have now come forward...
California manager sues over termination
When an employee is fired, there is usually an identifiable cause for the termination. However, if the fired worker does not agree with the reasons for termination, the dispute can result in litigation. Los Angeles readers might be interested in a wrongful termination...
Netflix and Amazon face wrongful termination lawsuit
If you're a fan of Netflix or Amazon, this news release about the companies being sued by a former executive may interest you. The April 1 report states that while the two companies are rivals, they are both named in a lawsuit that claims a man was wrongfully...
Man’s sexual harassment case verdict reversed
If you've had a case go to court and didn't win, that isn't the end of the road. You can always appeal the case, like this man did. According to the news from March 30, the man had filed a claim that alleged sexual harassment took place where he worked, but he didn't...