Wrongful termination and sexual harassment claims are at the center of this case against a Yahoo executive in California. A woman who worked under the female executive has reported that her boss had sexually harassed her and accused her boss of wrongful termination.
The senior director of engineering at Yahoo Mobile allegedly coerced the other woman, a principal software engineer, to have oral and digital sex with her in Sunnyvale, California. She reportedly told the woman she would have a “bright future” at Yahoo if she had sex with her. As to the complaints of wrongful termination, the woman claimed that the executive unfairly downgraded her performance reviews in the second and third quarters of 2013.
The victim alleges that she asked human resources to conduct an investigation into the executive, despite the fact that the woman complained about her supervisor’s advances. The woman reported that instead of investigating the issue, the company placed her on paid leave from the company. Then, she was finally terminated from her position.
Her lawsuit asks for a few things. She has requested monetary damages and punitive damages. Yahoo itself has also been named as a defendant in the case. A Yahoo representative who spoke on the matter said there was no truth in the allegations.
Cases like these take time, because investigations have to unravel the truth. If you feel you’ve been wrongfully terminated, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. The sooner you seek action, the easier it could be to find evidence of wrongdoing that could help you get your job back or get the money you need to live without the fear of harassment or termination.
Source: New York Daily News, “Female Yahoo executive sued for sexual harassment, wrongful termination by woman who worked under her” Jul. 12, 2014