You have a right to feel comfortable in your California work environment, and you should not have to deal with sexual harassment while trying to make a living. Research shows that sexual harassment continues to be a problem in many American work environments. Also, many people who come forward with sexual harassment allegations face even more turmoil after doing so.
According to Mercury News, you face a high chance of having your employer terminate or retaliate against you if you make allegations about sexual harassment in your place of business.
Study findings
A study involving almost 9,000 sexual harassment claims filed in California between 2012 and 2016 revealed that more than half of all claimants lost their jobs after making their claims. Another 70% of those who filed sexual harassment claims faced some type of retaliation in the aftermath.
The study also showed that you are more likely to experience this type of workplace harassment as a female employee, rather than a male one. Women make up less than half of the American workforce. Yet, they file 81% of all work-related sexual harassment claims.
Additional findings
Also troubling is the fact that your chances of receiving a favorable outcome or monetary award after making sexual harassment allegations are slim. Estimates suggest that about 5 million employees experience sexual harassment at work each year. More than 99% of victims never file formal complaints. Of those that did, only 23% of them received any monetary compensation.
The #metoo movement may help encourage employees who experience sexual harassment to speak out about their treatment. Sexual harassment is not something you have to accept in your place of business, and nothing should scare you away from drawing attention to it.